Shipping and payment
Fast and convenient delivery to your home within European Union.
If your order items are in stock, we will ship them to you within 2-3 business days.
We could ship to these countries:
Austria 5,90,- Eur | Ireland 17,90,- Eur |
Belgium 13,90,- Eur | Italy 12,90,- Eur |
Bulgaria 9,9,- Eur | Lithuania 7,90,- Eur |
Croatia 7,90,- Eur | Netherlands 14,90,- Eur |
Denmark 15,90,- Eur | Portugal 15,90,- Eur |
Estonia 13,90,- Eur | Romania 6,90,- Eur |
France 12,90,- Eur | Slovenia 7,90,- Eur |
Finland 28,90,- Eur | Spain 14,90,- Eur |
Germany 7,90,- Eur | Switzerland 17,9,- Eur |
Greece 10,90 Eur | Sweden 22,90,-Eur |
Hungary 5,9,- Eur |
Apple Pay and Google Pay
Currently the most popular and fastest payment methods. You can pay with just one click using the card stored on your phone.
Online payment with a bank card
Fast and secure online payment with bank card (credit or debit) through the payment gateway. After clicking on "Order with payment obligation", you will be redirected to the website of the bank's payment gateway, where you will enter your bank card details securely. Payment with a bank card can be combined with any form of shipping.