Lactoferrin is a multifunctional protein that belongs to the group of transferrin - transporters of trace elements in the blood (copper, iron, zinc). It occurs naturally in the human body. It is contained in small amounts in all body fluids (saliva, tears) and is part of innate immunity. In addition, the composition contains an organic form of selenium and zinc, which contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system. Vitamin B6 contributes to the proper metabolism important for energy production and the normal production of red blood cells.
The main role of lactoferrin is the transport of iron in the body. It is one of the most effective biologically active substances contained in colostrum, it disrupts the membranes of some microorganisms. It binds iron ions, slowing down the growth and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the body. Iron is found in plant food in the form of iron salts (Fe3 +), in animal food in the form of iron salts (Fe2 +). Both forms of iron are very difficult and long to absorb in the small intestine. Of these forms, our body can absorb only 3% of vegetable and 25% of animal iron contained in food. Iron bound to lactoferrin passes through the cells of the digestive epithelium more quickly and enters the blood in larger amounts.
Premium Lactoferrin helps with some types of anemia by providing the bone marrow with more iron to make hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin consists of two parts, heme (a compound of porphyrin and iron) and the protein globin. It is formed in immature red blood cells in the bone marrow. Sufficient iron and enzymes are needed to make it. Hemoglobin as a component of red blood cells is a red pigment that plays a very important role in the body and that is the binding of oxygen and carbon dioxide and their transport through the body. Oxygen-containing red blood cells travel from the lungs to the cells and on the opposite path from the cells to the lungs with carbon dioxide. He then exhales from the body.
Premium Lactoferrin contains:
- Lactoferrin
Is a natural glycoprotein, which is one of the strongest immunostimulatory natural means to support immunity. It is found in breast milk and in smaller amounts in most body fluids, located on the openings of the body - the oral and nasal cavities, or in the eye. He is a fighter in the first line of defense against pathogens on each of these openings. - Selenium
Organic form has antioxidant activity and protects cells from oxidative stress. It contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system and to maintaining healthy nails and hair. - Zinc
An organic form in the form of lactate. Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system, helps maintain the health of the skin, hair and nails, protects cells from oxidative stress, contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients and the normal metabolism of acids and bases. - Vitamin B6
Contributes to proper metabolism important in energy production and normal red blood cell production.